New Product Showcase – Medical
There is still a lot of x-ray film in storage and somehow it needs to be digitized. We have redesigned our scanning software and given it a new name, SCAN-IT. As the name implies we will scan or capture almost anything and turn it into a DICOM file. Whether it is film, paper, AVI, jpg, pdf and more, this software does it efficiently and economically. We even have a special feature for mammogrpahy hanging protocols.

New Product Showcase – Dental
Judging by the success we’ve had with our new CR plates for dental imaging, there seems to be a big need for quality, economical replacement plates. We have them in all sizes – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, panoramic and cephalometric. Tells us the scanner you are using and we likely can help you – Air Techniques, Durr, Gendex and Soredex.

New Product Showcase – Helping Hand
This one is just fun. Our boss has a cousin and his cousin is crazy about wine. His cousin invented this wine suitcase. He asked our boss to help him market it. So we did and here it is. This has absolutely nothing to do with medical imaging, but you will get a tickle out of watching the video…and then, who knows, you might want to buy one for a friend or for yourself. (Link video and to buying page.)